Julia Rubies & Lili M. Rampre


Is Gandalf filled with doubts about his artistic practice? How does Superman deal with his work and its visibility, under the market pressure to stay coherent? How about Hermione, experiencing stress-related pains after a harsh peer-to-peer feedback? Or lack of it?
How can we re-energize our conversations?

In Pop-fi we make pop-culture icons speak our voices. Through this workshop we would like to bring an artistic community together and strengthen it. We create a platform through which we can channel our lived experiences and see them in a new light. As an artistic community, what are our concerns on artistic practice, precarity, market demands, effects it has on our personal relationships and keeping up the figure of an artist…? Which concerns do we share with others and which ones do we keep to ourselves because we feel they’re not common? Pop Fi will look at the gap between formally held beliefs and the way we actually find living them possible.

We propose to ventriloquise a wide range of concerns through materials of popular culture. Using techniques such as appropriation, dubbing, comic resources, performance and poetry, we gather those concerns and ‘re-sample’ them with—literally—our voices, within a mainstream context, commonly known by many. Through the process of collective re-writings of a script (extracted from a popular film), we complexify the binaries of epic stories. Together with their re-enactment, we not only share common struggles, but also reframe them, so they can be approached anew.

The workshop will be held online via Zoom (free subscription – zoom link TBA.) and requires a full-day commitment due to partner work. Subscribe here


Júlia Rúbies Subirós is a Brussels-based dancer, collaborator, and maker in the performing arts from Barcelona. Graduate from P.A.R.T.S., Julia is presently collaborating with Michiel Vandevelde, Marco d’Agostin, Lili M. Rampre, Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld and Federico Vladimir amongst others. They are a recipient of the DanceWeb 2020-21 scholarship. As a writer, Júlia is collaborating with ROSAS, amongst others in the recent publication of the book Drumming (2020), as well as writing a composition manual commissioned by P.A.R.T.S. in collaboration with Diane Madden.
Julia is the recipient of Injuve grant to youth creation 2020-2021, for the makings of a documentary on the lack of intergenerational knowledge and the fadings of the independent alternative arts spaces / scene in Barcelona due to gentrification. This project is supported by La Poderosa, La Caldera, Workspacebrussels, and Bâtard festival amongst others.


Lili M. Rampre (Slovenia) received her BS in Physics. She pursued her dance education and moved to Germany, where she obtained her MA diploma at HfMDK, Frankfurt. In the past her artistic engagements as a choreographer as well as a performer have been supported by various venues and institutions: Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Modul dance network, Hessische Theaterakademie, Pact Zollverein (Essen), tanzrecherche NRW, Akademie der Künste der Welt Köln, Kunststiftung NRW, tanz nrw festival, Tanzhaus NRW, where she is still active. After finishing a.pass, artistic research program in Brussels, Lili has continued with her choreographic practice in Research Cycle at P.A.R.T.S.
Lili M. Rampre is currently supported by Workspace Brussels, Fonds Daku and Pact Zollverein in Germany and is an associated artistic researcher at a.pass Research centre in Brussels, developing her long-term research on the artistic discourse and how we (on- or/and off-stage) co-create it as a cultural object.


The project is part of Lili M. Rampre’s research supported by a.pass Research Center, platform for artistic research in Brussels. In spring/summer 2021 part of this project will be published and presented at the Research Centre end presentation. In fall 2021 this project is hosted by WP Zimmer to continue it’s trajectory.